You have a 5 minute grace period. Please, keep in mind we might have to modify your services.
Unfortunately, if you arrive after 10 minutes, we will have to cancel your appointment, and you will be charged 50% of the service. (You'll be refunded 50% if you paid in advance) Note, that the refund will appear on your account within 5 to 7 business days.
All cancellations done less than 48 hrs (2 days) before your appointment time will be charged 50% of the service. Same day cancellation is 100% of the service. This also applies to canceling a service once you've already arrived at your appointment.
For example, if you booked a brazilian and leg wax and then decide you only want to receive one service, you will still be financially responsible for both.
If you are a no-show, you will be charged 100% of the service.
To guarantee the comfort of all our clients, safety considerations, and limited space, we recommend you not bring a child to your appointment.
Your esthetician will be focused on providing you with excellent service.